We, the Seekers
This Category is dedicated to you dear seekers. Tell us about yourself and the experiments you do to seek. Speak out: tell us what you love about seeking Experiments and Experiences: what have u been upto? Ideation Room: Let your creative juice flow in
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Speak out
A forum where we would love to know about you. Please share your views on seeking. What are you seeking? You can mention about any special experiences you want to share. We are all ears & would love to hear it all.
2,654 2,676 2,654

original site l909ol
Less than 1 minute ago
by Stephyndioma
Experiments and Experiences
Seeking is all about experiences. It is the experience we seek, it is the truth we seek. Tell us about your experiences and experiments in seeking. We would love to hear about it and experiment ourselves.
1,004 1,010 1,004

a fantastic read t730bc
45 minutes ago
by ApollineJek
Ideation Room
You are free to suggest & discuss ideas or improvements for the Skeptic Seeker's Community or this forum. It could be an online or offline meetup, new forum categories, some group experiment or may be group trip. Let your creative juice flow.
0 0 0


Seeker's Cave
This is your cave, dear seekers. A place where we raise questions & seek answers and also keep all our treasures of knowledge. Questions, Introspection Contemplation: The favorite forum for us. Seeker's Treasure: Share your learning & the source (books, articles). Seeker's Creations: Let us know about your creations.
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Questions, Introspection Contemplation
A forum to let your self wonder. Here you can post questions from depth of our heart, corners of your mind or just something which struck today. Please feel free to share your views too. Who knows how that can help in someone else's journey. Share & respond with due respect to other seekers. Let us keep the discussion healthy.
1,000 1,002 1,000

more hints c172fb
Yesterday, 06:42 AM
by Bricriusix
Seeker's Treasure
A seeker's treasure is his/her learnings. The books, articles, videos which gave knowledge and inspiration to seek the truth of Universe. Please feel free to post your treasure of books, articles here, which you plan to read or have already read. Please remember to post about your experience with it and recommendation. You can also post links to specific videos BUT please do mentioned briefly about it, on what you learnt & who should what it.
1,001 1,008 1,001

browse this site q21puz
12-05-2024, 04:53 PM
by Cidneybem
Seeker's Creations
Seekers can be very creative. They can write good articles or create videos or even practice art forms. Please feel free to post any of your creations here which made you feel good. It could be an article, a post (yours), a video about your creative work (skit, song), a painting or an adventure in the kitchen. This is all about your doing, your experiences, feel free to share BUT no forwards please.
1,000 1,005 1,000

browse around this site t...
12-03-2024, 05:09 PM
by MaroldeHeike

Seeker's Journey
This category is about seeking in physical world. Where can a seeker go to seek knowledge. Events: What is going around us? Amazing places: A seeker's 'to go' place
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Please mention here about any events, talks, training programs, etc happening online or in a city around you which you think is relevant for a seeker. Keep it short & relevant.
0 0 0

Amazing places
Please share here about the places which you think are essential for a seeker to go. It could be remote holy places, temples, shrines, etc. Tell us why & about your experiences if any. Feel free to write & post pictures from your personal experiences.
1,472 1,475 1,472

Chrysler building. Walm. ...
4 hours ago
by Stephyndioma

Seeker's Stash
You may attach anything you want to share with other seekers as resources.
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242 users active in the past 15 minutes (11 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 231 guests).
ApollineJek, Bricriusix, KianniUrida, Luminitaanymn, MaroldeHeike, OrmemundFum, PridwynQuedo, SeanaPrept, Stephyndioma, Takaravus, TammageolO
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Our members have made a total of 2,449 posts in 2,428 threads.
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The most users online at one time was 625 on 11-16-2024 at 04:42 AM
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